Happy New Year!
Okay, so I'm almost two weeks late, but better later than never – I mean, well-wishing never expires, does it? All that to say, Happy New...

Junior Youth Year End & Solemn Holy Communion
With June comes the end of the school year and with it the last youth events of the season. Wanting to keep things simple and fun for the...

Good Friday and the Annual Plashchanytsia Hop
Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory be to Jesus Christ! We're almost at the point when we can finally say "Христос воскрес!" or "Christ is Risen!"...

Pysanky and Taizé
Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory be to Jesus Christ! Man, was Monday ever a busy day! First off that morning was our biweekly Mommy's group....

AGM Breakfast (Many hands make light work!)
Слава Ісусу Христу! Glory be to Jesus Christ! I tell you, this weekend was definitely a busy one for the youth at St. Nicholas! Not only...