Христос Раждається! Christ is Born!
Question for the teens: can you change the world in 25 hours? There's only one way to find out!
Join us for THINKfast 2018, a lenten retreat for teens in Gr. 8-12 on February 23-25. Throughout the weekend we'll be exploring fasting: what it is, why we do it, and how it can help us and others grow in our faith. Because the weekend's activities will also have a major social justice focus, we'll be participating in a 25-hour fast in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Global South suffering from hunger. It's no secret that a lot of people suffer from injustice in the world, so the fast will also help participants tune into their experiences.
To register, just fill out the Registration and Waiver/Media Release forms and email them to stnicksyouthyeg@gmail.com. Forms and $20 payment for the weekend must be in by February 12, 2018.
You're also encouraged to download or pick up a pledge form for the fast and share the online donation page. All donations collected will be sent to Development and Peace, a Canadian organization that focuses on social justice by supporting and advocating on behalf of struggling communities in the Global South (they also developed THINKfast). Help us reach our goal of $1000!
I'm so looking forward to this weekend! If you've got any questions, fill out the contact form and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Hope to see you there!
God bless,
Joyanne :D